We build a stronger, healthier community by partnering with local and statewide organizations to offer prevention services that focus on nutrition, oral health, substance use, tobacco, obesity, and youth engagement.
Dispose of unwanted or unused mediations at any Aroostook County Police Department. For details and times of when medications can be dropped off contact your local station. A full list of Maine Police departments and contact information can be found at: http://mainechiefs.com/police-departments
Medications can also be dropped off at select pharmacies, visit the Diversion Control Division Website.
View a current list of Inmar Drug Take Back Boxes at: https://safemedicinedrop.com/locations/maine/
Additional Resources about drug disposal, drug information, data & statistics, recovery resources can be found at:
Breakthrough Youth is a 25 hour curriculum of four evidence-informed and/or evidence based programs designed to help youth:
Programs will include:
Provides the equipment necessary for WIC enrolled women who are breastfeeding to support their return to work or school. Electric breast pumps are available for loan to those needing this support.
Provides education and support to WIC enrolled women who are breastfeeding.
Evidence-based cirriculum to build resiliency available to schools, clubs, and other organizations that serve youth. Free programing includes: substance use prevention, media literacy, restorative practices, and respectful conversations.
County Restorative Practices (CRP) provides RP support and training to schools and organizations across Aroostook County and provides RJ diversion for justice-involved youth in Washington and Aroostook Counties.
Restorative Practices (RP) refers to the long-established, varied and global community-based traditions - inspired by indigenous ways of being - which value voice, choice, fairness and dignity for all. It covers a broad range of processes all of which make space for feelings and needs, for mutual support and mutual accountability. Examples include community building practices such as facilitated circle-based sharing to strengthen relationships, plan, grieve or celebrate; these can take place within family groups, community groups, schools or residential settings - or anywhere that people come together for the purpose of support or healing, solution-seeking and peace-keeping. Restorative Practices also include harm repair processes, such as conferences of truth and reconciliation, mediation, and accountability circles. And restorative practices encompass reintegrative practices, namely welcoming individuals as they return to community and plan for inclusion and success.
Restorative Justice (RJ) refers specifically to the application of Restorative Practices in response to instances of harm. It prioritizes understanding and repairing harm within relationships among people, rather than responding to violations of rules or laws. Restorative justice is centered on the needs of the person(s) who were harmed, those who caused harm and of the community of people who were affected. A restorative justice process offers the opportunity for those who were most centrally affected to generate an agreement specifying how things will be made right and how to reduce the likelihood that something similar might occur in the future in ways that are both measurable and action-oriented.
This collaboration with community partners provides education, resources, and evidence-based programming to reduce the underage use of alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs.
The Maine Prevention Network (MPN) Initiative is a statewide program funded by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, working to reduce and prevent the negative health effects from tobacco use, substance use, and obesity, increase youth engagement and empowerment at the Local level through a coordinated effort.
The MPN Obesity prevention effort focuses on improving health outcomes through Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) strategies including: supporting access to and awareness of healthy eating, increasing awareness to and access to physical activity, supporting communities and worksites to become breastfeeding friendly, making the healthy choice the easy choice.
Provides free assistance from Certified Healthcare Navigators with all aspects of Maine’s Health Insurance Marketplace, including determining eligibility, comparing, and explaining options, and applying and enrolling in coverage.
Provides clinical assessments, oral prophylaxis, fluoride treatments, sealants, referrals, and oral hygiene instruction to children enrolled in WIC and Head Start programs and at local contracted public schools in Aroostook County. MaineCare and private fee payment accepted.
Provides education to people of all ages throughout Aroostook County in cooperation with other social service and health care providers. Coordinates a consolidated School Oral Health Program and is a resource for oral health programs in all elementary schools in Aroostook County. Administers a Dental Sealant Program for second and third grade students in every Aroostook County elementary school. Maintains an extensive lending library that includes audiovisual materials, books, and teaching aids.
A collaboration with the Maine Prevention Network, a division of the Maine CDC, to educate youth on the dangers of substance misuse, and to provide community resources and education regarding addiction and harm-reduction. Community educators work to implement evidence-based prevention programming for substance use and youth engagement and empowerment.
Through partnerships with the Maine Cancer Foundation and Drug Free Communities, we support people throughout Aroostook County in ending tobacco use. Not on Tobacco (N-O-T) is a youth-centered treatment program for ages 14 – 19 that addresses all types of tobacco products including e-cigarettes. Freedom From Smoking is a program for tobacco users who are ready to quit. Participants are six times more likely to be smoke free one year later than those who quit on their own.
Free & Convenient Help is Available to individuals age 14 and older:
A team of partners working in collaboration with the Maine Prevention Network, a division of Maine CDC, to educate youth on the dangers of nicotine, provide quit resources for those experiencing nicotine addiction, and to promote and assist public facing entities with policy implementation and updates. WE are here to help YOU!
Prenatal vitamins are provided to any woman in their childbearing years free of charge.
Provides nutrition education and screening to eligible pregnant and postpartum women, nursing mothers, infants, and children under five years of age. Extended family members or foster parents raising young children are also encouraged to apply.
Maine WIC Nutrition Program
Notice for Language and Disability Assistance
Effective: 4/1/2020 Appendix CR-7-A
Need help? If you have difficulty understanding English or have a disability, free language assistance or other aids and services are available upon request. Please contact your Local WIC Clinic agency for more information.
عربى (Arabic)
هل تحتاج إلى مساعدة؟ إذا كنت تواجه صعوبة في فهم اللغة الإنجليزية أو تعاني من إعاقة ما، فنحن نوفر المساعدة اللغوية المجانية أو غيرها من وسائل المساعدة والخدمات حسب الطلب. يُرجى التواصل مع أقرب عيادة من عيادات WIC للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات.
Français (French)
Avez-vous besoin d'aide ? Si vous avez des difficultés à comprendre l'anglais ou si vous êtes handicapé(e), une assistance linguistique gratuite ou d'autres aides et services sont disponibles sur demande. Veuillez contacter votre agence locale WIC Clinic pour plus d'informations.
Lingála (Lingala)
Olingi lisungi? Soki yo ozali na mikakatano ya koyeba Anglais to ozali na bibosono, lisungi ya pamba ya lokota to lisungi mosusu mpe misala ezali soki osengi yango. Tosengi yo obenga biro ya Kliniki na yo na Engumba ya WIC mpona koyeba makambo misusu.
Português (Portuguese)
Precisa de ajuda? Se tiver dificuldades para entender o idioma inglês, ou se tiver alguma incapacidade, temos disponíveis gratuitamente assistência com os idiomas e outras ajudas e serviços, quando sejam pedidos. Por favor contacte a sua agência Clínica Local WIC para obter mais informações.
Española (Spanish)
¿Necesita ayuda? Si tiene dificultad para entender inglés o tiene alguna discapacidad, puede solicitar asistencia gratuita con idiomas y otras ayudas y servicios. Para más información, comuníquese con su clínica o agencia WIC local.
Soomaali (Somali)
Caawimaad ma rabtaa? Haddii aad dhibaato ku qabto fahanka Ingiriiska ama aad qabto naafo, caawimaada luuqada oo bilaash ah ama caawimaado kale iyo adeegyo ayaad heli kartaa markaad codsato. Fadlan la xariir Xarunta wakaalada caafimaadka WIC ee Deegaankaaga si aad u hesho xog dheeraad ah.
Thank you for your interest in supporting ACAP programs and services! As a leader, or in partnership with others, ACAP provides guidance to the community in responding to emerging human needs in the areas of community, family, energy and housing, and workforce development services.