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Maine Legislature Honors ACAP's Longest Tenured Employee

Tuesday, March 16, 2020 - State Senator Harold (Trey) L. Stewart III along with leaders from the Aroostook County Action Program (ACAP) honored ACAP’s longest tenured employee, Patricia Good. 


In a surprise COVID-friendly coming together on the steps outside of ACAP’s Gouldville Early Care and Education Center, where she works each day - and on the eve of her Birthday - Good was recognized for 43 years of service to The County’s most comprehensive provider of social services.  The gathering featured kind words of recognition of her long tenure from ACAP Board Chair Trudy Gorneault, CEO Jason Parent, COO Jamie Chandler, Director of Programs Sue Powers, and Administrative Assistant Vicky Boldstridge. 


Senator Stewart followed with words of praise of his own and presented Good with an official sentiment of the Maine State Legislature, and a Maine Flag that flew over the State Capitol Building during Maine’s Bicentennial in 2020.  Stewart, along with Aroostook County’s other Senator - Senate President Troy Jackson, both serve on the ACAP Board of Directors.


“In my role on the ACAP Board, I know firsthand the great work that you and your colleagues do across our County,” Stewart told Good.  “The assistance you have provided to hundreds of people over your more than four decades with ACAP cannot be measured and will have an impact for generations to come.  Thank you, Pat.”


Good first joined the Agency in January 1978, just six short years after ACAP was formed by a merger between the then Central Aroostook and St. John Valley Community Action Programs.  She started in a role that had her working on program eligibility doing outreach to people who might not have otherwise qualified for ACAP programs.  Within six months, she transitioned over to Family Planning, then a program of ACAP, where she spent the next 33 years.  Since that time, Good has provided support to numerous programs, including WIC and Early Care and Education. 


Good’s tenure with ACAP has seen tremendous change in the Agency and County community it serves.  She recalls learning how to operate one of the first computers, and the only one in Family Planning at the Agency for a period of time.  She also remembers well working in the old World War II-era Presque Isle Army Base Building ACAP had for many years as it’s headquarters.


“Pat is a wealth of information and a pleasure to work with.  She knows our Agency programs and history like few others,” said CEO Jason Parent.  “When I think about all of the families and individuals whose lives you have touched over the years, I am just in awe.  Thank you for all you do and the kind and compassionate heart with which you do it.”


ACAP annually recognizes employees reaching milestone years of service.  The celebration in 2020 was different and distant due to COVID-19.  Agency leaders are looking forward to resuming such recognition celebrations later this year.