ACAP provides workforce development support through the federal program, Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA). This landmark legislation is designed to help get youth, adults, and dislocated workers with barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers. Individuals are encouraged to take an active role in managing their path to a sustainable career.
Trained and dedicated career counselors assist job seekers with creating plans that overcome barriers and lead to employment. Plans can include training and education options or job readiness and job search activities. Individuals will be offered assessments, career decision-making strategies, workshops on resumes, cover letters and interviewing skills, job preparation and information on employability skills. Funding is available to support approved training programs (both long and short term) and support services that help people stay in school or on the job.
ACAP Career Counselors work closely with unemployed or underemployed adults or dislocated workers seeking employment and/or training through several workforce programs.
ACAP assists customers in overcoming barriers through a wide variety of support services:
Personal career counselors offer guidance, connections, and support in areas such as:
There are also financial supports available with:
Maine’s three local workforce boards, in partnership with their respective service providers, have collaborated to provide free, virtual employment workshops and info sessions to help individuals connect to resources, build job skills, and find and maintain employment.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act youth program serves youth 16-24 who face barriers to education, training, and employment to assist with career exploration, educational opportunities and work experience. The program expands job training and workforce activities for youth, including soft-skill development, career exploration, job readiness and certification and year-round job opportunities.
ACAP Workforce Development Team serves employers County-wide. Local employers looking to attract and retain more skilled workers can access technical and funding assistance to support on-the-job trainings and formal apprenticeships.
Through the Work Experience program (WE), ACAP provides individuals with the opportunity to gain entry-level experience in the workforce. WE assists job seekers by providing them paid work experience which allows them to acquire specific skills and employment competencies and helps local employers by filling their labor needs.
On-the-job training (OJT) is a way of providing individualized occupational skills training to individuals. OJT assists businesses to provide training for in demand occupations that meet the needs of the employer. This is a hire-first program in which the employer enters into an agreement to hire, train, and retain the individual upon successful completion of the training program.
The Youth Career Exploration grant serves disconnected and disengaged youth ages 16-24 to engage youth who have significant employment and employability challenges facing barriers to participate in career exploration programming and work experience. Our goal is to connect underserved youth to meaningful paid work experience. The goal is to reach target populations including youth with disabilities, those connected to the juvenile justice system, those experiencing homelessness, those transitioning in or out of the foster care system, those with low-income, and youth from indigenous communities.
The Extended Learning Opportunity grant (ELO) serves youth ages 16-21. ELOs are highly personalized opportunities for students to engage in learning in ways that make sense for them and connect their learning to everyday life in relevant and meaningful ways. Our goal is to provide 20 hours of curriculum and 40 hours of paid work experience.
ELOs provide relevant real-life experiences for students and increase awareness for students about local businesses, organizations, and opportunities in their communities. These experiences provide students a non-traditional learning opportunity where they have the chance to experience academic success and real-world success.
ELO’s help students learn about and understand their community, develop relationships within their community, and develop solid plans for their future. Student energy, initiative, skills, voice, and interests can be helpful to businesses, community organizations, and the community as a whole. Through these interactions, the community begins seeing youth as a resource.
Supportive services are also available to ensure participants have access to transportation and technology to help overcome every obstacles youth may face. Customized action plans will be developed with the youth to ensure all needs are met to be successful in the program.
Thank you for your interest in supporting ACAP programs and services! As a leader, or in partnership with others, ACAP provides guidance to the community in responding to emerging human needs in the areas of community, family, energy and housing, and workforce development services.