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The Aroostook County Commissioners took time out of their recent monthly meeting to recognize the work of Aroostook County Action Program, and honor the Agency’s county-wide efforts and team members by officially proclaiming May as Community Action Month.
In officially entering the proclamation into the record before all three County Commissioners signed it, central Aroostook Commissioner Paul Underwood noted: “Aroostook County Action Program builds and promotes economic stability for Aroostook County residents as an essential aspect of enabling and enhancing stronger communities and stable homes, and promotes community-wide solutions to challenges throughout our cities, towns and rural areas.”
The Commissioners noted that the designation this year was especially fitting given the hundreds of additional households served, and numerous new programs and services introduced, region-wide by ACAP over the past year due to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ACAP CEO Jason Parent attended the meeting, providing a brief update on Agency activity, as well as presenting new ACAP Public Sector Board Member Nancy Troeger, Van Buren Town Manager, for appointment to the non-profit organization by the Commissioners.
“The efforts of our team over the past year have been nothing short of heroic,” said Parent of ACAP staff County-wide. “The sheer volume of what our team has been able to accomplish, and to have done so under the most unusual circumstances of remote service delivery and constrained added health and safety precautions and protocols, has helped so many households navigate this most difficult time.”
In addition to services to the County community related to COVID-19, the past year for ACAP has involved serving in a mentorship capacity to other Community Action Agencies across the country looking to adopt the Whole Family and Comprehensive Service Delivery Approach in working toward community solutions. Over the past four years, ACAP has earned national recognition as a leading Agency in this important work.
National Community Action Month in May was created by the Community Action Partnership to reinforce Community Action agencies’ role in helping low-income families achieve economic stability. During National Community Action Month, Community Action agencies truly make the Promise of Community Action—to help people and change lives—come alive by helping put a “face” on the families striving to achieve self-sufficiency. Success stories are honored and personal achievements are recognized.
ACAP and other Community Action agencies also use National Community Action Month to call attention to the positive programs that help thousands of families achieve self-sufficiency. As Community Action agencies are showcasing their programs, they are also giving local residents - many of whom are unaware of the poverty in their communities - a first-hand look at the struggles low-income families face and how Community Action programs help these families achieve financial security.